African Drum For Fun Session 2 (Tuesday, 1:30-2:30)
Leader: Sue & Ron Smith
Capacity: 20
Location: Masonic Hall
Prerequisite for this activity is to have taken African Drum for Fun Session 1 (Sept – Dec) or any new participants must have drumming experience. Our group will build on previously learned skills and add more rhythms to their repertoire. And the laughing continues! The priority is set to Priority 4 so applicants do not need to make a decision.

Drumming – West African Intermediate (Tuesday, 12:00-1:00)
Leader: Heather Lance
Capacity: 25
Location: Masonic Hall
Using the djembe, we will learn different tones this beautiful instrument can produce. There are many rhythms from West Africa that we will learn along with some wonderful rhythmic patterns. These rhythms will be played in unison as well as layering complementary rhythmic patterns to produce an amazing West African song. The rhythms learned will be from countries such as: Guinea, Ghana, Senegal and Nigeria. Participants must have some experience with drumming. I come with 20 years experience with West African drumming and have worked with both adults and teens (grades 7-12 – “big baNG”). I love to drum and hope to share my passion for drumming with you. Drums will not be provided. Please come with a djembe or let me know if you may need to borrow one (I do have a few, but not many). This activity has been set to Priority 4 to accept all applicants with previous drumming experience

Drumming Circle (Monday, 2:45-4:15)
Leader: Fred Bowen/Mary Beckstead
Capacity: 35
Location: SA North
For persons wishing to learn basic djembe drum skills, or expand on existing skills, this drum circle activity is right for you. This drumming class runs like a drum circle with explanation and input from the leader and the participants. Participants introduce and learn an eclectic spectrum of drum beats. Participants are encouraged to purchase their own drum or if you are just wanting to explore what drumming circle is all about you may borrow one provided by the instructor(s) until you find your rhythm. This activity is set to a Priority 4 to accept all applicants.

Guitar – Beginner Plus (Tuesday, 1:00-2:00; 2:30-3:30)
Leader: Paul Bullock
Capacity: 10; 10
Location: WSUC Heritage Hall
This workshop is for those who are already able to play a small number of chords. The objective is to have fun and improve your ability to perform songs. A variety of strumming techniques will also be shown. Each week a new song will be introduced and the previous week’s song will be practiced. The hope is that if one song that is appealing, you will practice it often and the effort will not be a chore. Music stands are available in the room but if you have your own please bring it. A capo and guitar tuner will also be needed. During the semester, if needed, you’ll be shown how to change a set of strings. It is suggested that each guitar has a strap. Applicants will be chosen who have the prerequisite skills and rate this activity with a high priority.

Guitar – Acoustic Intermediate (Wednesday, 1:30-3:30)
Leader: Polly Beach
Capacity: 15
Location: WSUC Heritage Hall
This activity will enable intermediate level guitar players to improve their playing skills. It is based on players sharing their knowledge and skills, to develop and polish songs. With input from your peers, the group aims to include workshop topics such as: intros and outros to songs, tempo and strumming patterns, down strokes and upstrokes, choosing the right key for your voice, finding the start note, chord shapes and chord changing using ‘anchor’ fingers, bass runs, and simple finger picking. Group members are encouraged to present information on music related topics e.g. bar chords, the chromatic scale and transposing. They are also encouraged to bring 1-3 songs they are working on each week. We use a shared Google Drive folder to upload pdfs of our chosen songs for members to follow. We often repeat songs from week to week. Only applicants who can play at an intermediate level will be considered. This activity is ideal for intermediate level guitar players. Rating the activity with a high priority will show your commitment

Harmonica – Beginners/Advanced Beginners (Wednesday, 9:00-11:00)
Leader: Denis Dorris
Capacity: 20
Location: WSUC Heritage Hall
Learn blues harmonica by playing blues riffs, chord rhythms, songs, basslines, and improvising through call and response. Participants learn to play by listening and singing. Reading music is NOT used. New participants for this session must already be able to play a clear single note on the harmonica. Each member will bring a notebook and their own key of C diatonic harmonica. Members will receive audio clips and class documents as email attachments or as items to download. They will also listen to YouTube videos by using links in emails. A metronome is strongly recommended. Software to slow down music playback is required for learning and practice. Purchasing a key of C diatonic harp which costs between $50 to $90 is required. Less expensive harps will generally have quality issues that affect the response of the reeds. The instructor will provide the required specifications for the harmonica and recommended brands. The instructor will also provide a list of “slow down” applications available for smart phones and laptops/desktops. This activity is set to a Priority 4 so that applicants will not have to make a decision.

NEW – Local Vocals Singalong (Thursday, 11:00-12:00)
Leader: Mary Campbell
Capacity: 40
Location: SA North
A weekly singalong drop-in group that is led by a talented volunteer band comprised of guitars, ukuleles, keyboard, accordion, and drums. This is an informal group and not a choir per se. There is no need to know how to read music. Participants choose which songs to sing out of an inventory of over 100 songs. Participants enjoy each other’s company, socialize, share stories, and relive memories from their past through song. No singing experience necessary. If you’d like to join the group to enjoy listening to the band and others singing, this is also an option! Registration is necessary to join the group, but it is not mandatory that you participate every week. Priority will be given to those returning from the Fall 2023 semester (no class in winter 2024) then by priority for this activity.

Music Jam (Wednesday, 1:30-4:00)
Leader: Allan Brown
Capacity: 20
Location: Masonic Hall
This activity is for anyone who enjoys getting together to play and sing for the love of music. Each participant brings whatever instrument they play as well as any music (electronic or paper) they may have. Each member takes their turn choosing a song to play and everyone joins in to create a jam. We also welcome anyone without specific songs but just wanting to play along. All genres of music are welcome. We enjoy the talents of all whether on keyboard, string, percussion or wind instruments or simply your voice. This way everyone gets involved. We always welcome new members and participants that wish to float in and out during our time together to suit their schedule. This activity will be set to a Priority 4 to accept all you apply.

Ukulele Marmalade (Tuesday, 9:30-11:00)
Leader: Larry Stafford
Capacity: 15
Location: WSUC Heritage Hall
This is an ideal activity for intermediate ukulele players who are comfortable changing chords smoothly and enjoy singing as they play. Members are encouraged to bring a song or two each week to work on with the group. We will repeat songs often to improve our skills and enhance them. Using peer to peer support, we will learn new chords, strumming patterns and even new styles of music. We will share pdfs of songs using a shared Google Drive folder so members can either print off copies or use a tablet or iPad to read music on. Come for the strum and stay for the fun! Selection of participants will be those who meet the prerequisite and by a higher priority level for this activity.

Ukulele Strum Along (Friday, 9:30-11:00)
Leader: Peter & Lynne Meleg
Capacity: 25
Location: SA South
Ukulele Strum Along is a relaxed and friendly group. Ukers will play along to music led by Peter and our amazing drummer Claude. A great way to make new friends and have a good time. This class is designed for players with a minimum knowledge of 3 or 4 chords. We recommend C, F, G7 and one other chord. There are several YouTube channels where you can easily teach yourself these basic chords.
For example:
Rachel’s Lesson 1: C and F chords
Rachel’s Lesson 2: C, F and A minor chords
Rachel’s Lesson 3: C, F, and G7 chords
You will need to provide your own ukulele (preferably with a strap) a music stand, and a three ring binder. Selection of participants will first be chosen from previous semester, then those who meet the prerequisite and have listed a high priority for this activity.