Special Interest
Aging Out Loud (Friday, 10:00-11:30)
Leader: Eileen Quinn
Capacity: 48
Location: WSUC Heritage Hall
We are closer to the end of our lives than the beginning. If we aren’t already caregiving, we may well be in the years to come. In the long run we are all likely to need some degree of support in order to live our lives as fully as possible. Let’s prepare by looking outwards at the supports available to older adults in Brockville, and by looking inwards at what we can do to equip ourselves and those close to us to navigate life transitions in later years. We’ll consider future needs including housing, transportation, social connections, health care, and end of life. Our format will include presentations by service providers, personal reflection exercises, and group discussions. Hope for the best, prepare for the rest! This activity will be set to Priority 4 to accept all applicants.

Book Club (3rd Thursday each month, 1:30-2:30)
Leader: Lynda McNab
Capacity: 10
Location: WSUC Godly Playroom
This group will read a monthly book selection and meet to share their thoughts about the story, the author and the writing, enjoying wherever the discussion takes them. A diverse group often offers new insights and interesting perspectives and some books just beg to be discussed! The reading list will be developed by the group and the books will be supplied by the public library. A current Brockville library card is required, or you can commit to buying your own copy of the book. The group is limited to 10 participants and preference is given to applicants who give the activity a high priority. Come and share your love of reading with other bookworms!

Book Club (4th Thursday each month, 1:30-2:30)
Leader: Gael Bullard
Capacity: 10
Location: WSUC Godly Playroom
Members of the book club share their love of reading when we meet once a month to discuss the current selection. We are currently reading older books as the library informed us that they are easier to obtain from other libraries. We are discovering some gems we missed when they were first released. The group is limited to 10 participants and preference is given to applicants who give the activity a high priority.

NEW – Bridge (Monday, 9:30-11:30)
Leader: Jeff Reusing
Capacity: 50
Location: WSUC Mezzanine
Become an Ace Bridge player! Classes for beginners and casual players who wish to improve with bridge masters Ann Labelle and Jeff Reusing. You will learn how to play the cards and bid the best contracts.
The class will be one hour of instruction followed by one hour of supervised play and review. Players with experience may also register for review working particularly on specific issues related to bidding. All applicants will be accepted into this activity until capacity is reached.

Euchre (Monday, 1:00-3:30)
Leader: Bill McNelly, Lisa St. Pierre
Capacity: 50
Location: WSUC Mezzanine
This popular card game is a playing only session with no formal instruction but if you know how to play euchre a little, players will guide you to improve your game. Participants play in groups of 4 and the groups get switched around every 20 minutes to give opportunity to get to know different players. Participants will be selected from those who choose a higher priority for this activity.

Info Tech (Tuesday, 2:00-3:30)
Leader: Mike Libbos
Capacity: 15
Location: Employment & Education Centre
There are many options for data management in any organization. The purpose of this activity will be to review the tools used to manage the Brockville 50+ Activity Centre data. Topics will include: how we create online forms; the database; google spreadsheets; google apps scripting; how files are shared; data security; bulk mailing; etc. Participants may find this activity to be of interest if they: would like to enhance their knowledge of spreadsheets; would like to better understand the Google Ecosystem; would like to learn how to create online forms; would possibly like to contribute to the 50+ data management solution; have a need to support other non-50+ organizations in a data management capacity. This stuff is not magic but at the same time this is not a “basic” computer course. The prerequisite for this activity is that you are tech curious and are willing to dig in. This activity is set to a Priority 4 to accept all applicants so that you do not need to make a choice. The full activity description can be viewed here.

Mahjong (Tuesday, 1:00-4:00)
Leader: Denise McNish, Colleen Quinn
Capacity: 28
Location: WSUC Mezzanine
Mahjong is a tile game with some similarities to Gin Rummy. It requires skill, strategy and luck. We play the Hong Kong version of Mahjong, which is nothing like the online solitaire game. If you play American Mahjong you will see significant differences, but should pick up quickly. This is a fun ‘come as you are’ activity, but requires participants to arrive 15 minutes early to help set up the games. We are a small group, therefore weekly attendance is expected as much as possible. You are also asked to advise the leader if you cannot come or need to leave early, as this will impact seating assignments. If interested in trying Hong Kong Mahjong, the Brockville Public Library has a Thursday afternoon group where you can play and learn. Selection of participants will be chosen from those who have listed a high priority for this activity, including both experienced and a limited number of novice players.